During the spring school we will organize a poster session for all participants.

The goal of the poster session is to create a space for all participants to engage in discussions and exchange ideas within fields related to the spring school.


Every participant is required to prepare a poster presenting their own research interests, latest research findings or simply research ideas. Bachelor and master students are free to present their thesis topic or a seminar topic they are interested in.

During registration we only request the topic of your poster presentation as well as a short summary of your topic. We will ask you to provide us with the full poster at a later date, shortly before the spring school, so we can print it for you.


All posters should be prepared in a vertical format. The posters will be printed in DIN A0 (84,1 x 118,9 cm). Please make sure that you poster is adjusted to this size


After the spring school all posters will be posted here.