Magnet4Cardiac project member image

Address :
Comprehensive Heart Failure Center (CHCF)
University Hospital Würzburg
Am Schwarzenberg 15
97078 Würzburg, Germany

Email :

About me

I am a Professor and hold a research professorship in Imaging Techniques. I serve as the spokesperson for the Department of Cardiovascular Imaging and the scientific managing director of the Comprehensive Heart Failure Center (CHFC). Additionally, I coordinate the Core Facility Imaging.


  • Diploma in Physics
  • Habilitation in Medical Physics
  • MBA in University and Science Management
  • Recognized specialist and authorized trainer in Medical Physics (DGMP)


  • Designing and development of new diagnostic measurement techniques, including hardware and software development
  • Ultra-high-field MRI
  • Cellular and molecular imaging, including hyperpolarized gases and liquids
  • Preclinical and clinical pilot studies
  • High-performance and supercomputing for flow simulation on high-performance and supercomputing clusters
